Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Fill Your Pants!


Maybe I'm just really daft but I'm SO excited about Rosina's cotton nappies that arrived this week!  The world of cotton nappies have come on in leaps and bounds since we had our first little baby 6 years ago.  They are SO soft and provide some really slim fits.  Cotton nappies are a bit of an investment - an investment in money, time.. and the environment.  I was a little reluctant to yet again pay out for more cotton nappies after having bought some for Caden, and as they wore out.. bought new again for Quinn.  Again they wore out (the covers not the cotton nappy insert) so I had to make the decision of do I go disposable (easy option) or pay out for yet another round of cottons? After much research I was pretty much decided to go ahead with the cotton... I just couldn't sit comfortably with doing disposables.  This was, however, a decision that soon became easy when I was given £60 (the exact amount I needed for the cotton nappies revamp) for agreeing to do market research on, strangely enough, disposable nappies!  I had to take Rosina to try on 5 different nappies and review them.  Only took 1.5 hours (plus travel time) and I earnt my cotton nappies.

Here is my gorgeous girl modelling: 
(7 lb 11oz baby)

The 'itti bitti D'lish AIO


The Bummis Wrap

Weenotions, modelled by Quinn as it is too big at the
moment for Rosina.  This is an adjustable sized nappy
and is modelled at it's largest size.

How cute is this!!  ?

I bought these nappies from a FAB website, who supply a large variety of cotton
nappies and accessories.  http://www.fill-your-pants.com  and I think they deserve 
a round of applause for such a brilliant name for their website!


  1. I too "splurged" and got some new dipes for Danica. It was hard for me to justify as well, but once I got them home and on her I was SO happy, it was totally worth the $40! Well, 55$ because I also went ahead and bought a wet bag for when we're out. But completely worth it since it's an investment in my sanity; no more leakers while we're out!

  2. oo lovely!! So glad you got yours too and the all important wet bag!! :O)

  3. Laura here from FYP! So lovely to see your nappies being modelled and thankyou for the lovely mention on your blog!
    I will be bookmarking you, as we may well have some goodies for you to test and review for us very soon ;)
    Enjoy your Fluff! x

  4. Hi Laura!! WOW.. I'm so chuffed you found & read my post! As you read, I just love the name of your business. Would be MORE than happy to test and review any product! :O)

  5. We inherited our cloth nappies. I do a bit of disposables and a bit of cloth. When I worked out the cost of cloth v disposables, cloth is actually cheaper, even if you change wraps with every child. This based on the price of supermarket own nappies, not big brands. And includes washing cost. If I need any more wraps, will certainly check out fill-your-pants.
