Sunday, 19 February 2012

Counting Blessings - day 14

  1. Encouragement - I have felt blessed to have had much encouragement this weekend.  I braved the stage yesterday evening to sing for charity and I was very nervous.  I sang with an awesome band (thank you band!) and really enjoyed half the performance!  :)  The first half I was just too nervous to enjoy hah!  I am so thankful for those that have encouraged me since my performance... had helped build some confidence.
  2. Panto Fun - also for the charity event, people from our lovely congregation rehearsed a panto and did an excellent job - what fun!  :O)  What a blessing it is that we can come together and just have some fun together like this in honour of a fantastic cause - Love Russia.  Click HERE for the charity's webiste.
  3. Inspiring Sermons - fantastic day at church today.
  4. Culture - Cultrue is a fascinating thing - I just love learning about other cultures around the world.  I was privileged to hear today some of how life growing up in Africa is.
  5. Mango - LOVE this fruit!  Thank you God for creating it.  :O)
  6. Passions - I'm so thankful that God has wired us with passions in our hearts.  They make life so interesting and exciting.
  7. Energy - I don't have much of it personally, but it is fantastic watching it flow out of my children.  We had friends over for lunch today and the children were just 'bouncing off the walls'!  Ahh they make me laugh!  (and our friends!)
  8. Conversations - I do love to have a good natter!  :O)  I so enjoyed some conversations I had with friends today.  Thank you!  
  9. C.D. Stories - O my kiddies LOVE these!  We were given some Jonathan park stories for Charlie's birthday.  They are Christian adventure stories and they are ACE!  Thank you Mitch & Melinda! Click HERE for the website to Jonathan Park.
  10. Dolphins - aren't these just magnificent creatures??  Stunning to look at and so intelligent.  They always seem so friendly and playful.

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