Let's have some fun!
£10 Amazon Voucher to be won!
($15 Amazon Voucher for my U.S. readers)
We have just 8 (ish) weeks to go until baby makes his/her appearance and I thought it was about time I give you the chance to vote - is baby a boy or a girl?
Here's a poll to get us started:
Now for the real fun..
A Baby Pool
(of sorts)
I'm sure you've heard of 'Baby Pools', where someone collects guesses of what baby will be, along with a few other details, for a small fee and the winning guess wins the pot of money! Well I've come up with an alternative idea and I'm hoping you'll 'play' along....
Most of you will know that my husband and I are passionate about children (if not from knowing us personally then by knowing how many children of our own we have so far). Perhaps what less of you know is that my husband and I are passionate about adoption. For various reasons we have been unable to adopt to date, but we hope that adoption is in God's plan for us in the future. In the meantime we would like to help raise awareness and support for a wonderful ministry and charity called Reece's Rainbow, a charity we both love. Reece's Rainbow aid adoptions for special needs children around the world by raising support for their adoptions (international adoption is very expensive!). I am therefore 'dedicating' this blog post to this charity and am hoping for some fantastic support from you.
This is Constance
Isn't she just the cutest!!
Believe it or not she is 6 years old, but very small for her age. She needs an adoptive family asap!
I would like the donations for this baby pool to go specifically towards her adoption which will make it easier/possible for her adoptive parents, whoever they may be, to afford the adoption.
Please take the time to read about Constance here:
So with all that said, I invite you to take part in the 'baby pool' and make a full guess on our baby, but I ask that if you make a full guess that you please donate to Reece's Rainbow via the set up link at the bottom of this post (which is tax free giving).
Your donation must be a minimum of £1 / $1.50
Take a moment to make a difference to a child who is longing for their forever home.
The winning guess will receive the prize.
How to make your guess and donation:
To make your guess please leave a comment in the comment box (which you will find at the very bottom of this post underneath my signature) with your full guess.
A full guess needs to include:
- Baby's gender
- Baby's weight (lbs & oz please)
- Baby's arrival date (our EDD is the 30th of Oct.)
- Baby's arrival time (24hr clock - on the hour guesses only)
To make your donation
Please either:
- Use the ChipIn link below
- Give me the money to donate for you
For the ChipIn - please click through the following ChipIn box link and then follow the quick and simple directions. To make sure your donation goes to Constance you need to add a 'note to seller' and simply write her name. You'll find the 'add note to seller' at the bottom of your address during confirmation of payment. Thank you!
(The ChipIn link will give you the option to donate by the following methods: paypal, debit or credit.)
(This charity is based in America hence the total is in $ not £)
This 'baby pool' will close on the 9th of October.
Thanks! and... Good Luck!
How will the votes be calculated?
We will be using a points system that works against you.... so you do not want points!
It will works as follows with the lowest point score winning:
12 points for the wrong gender
1 point for each ounce 'out'
1 point for each day 'out'
1 point for every hour 'out'
(previous baby history to consider when making your guess: We have had 4 boys and 1 girl, the weight range so far has been from 5lbs 4oz to 6lb 8oz, the arrival dates have varied from 4 weeks early right up to the actual due date (have yet to go over due), and time of day has been all over the clock!)